Lights will bring personality and flavor to your game. You use lights to illuminate the scenes and objects to create the perfect visual mood. Lights can be used to simulate the sun, burning match light, flashlights, gun-fire, or explosions, just to n
Choosing a Lighting Technique 选择照明技术 Broadly speaking, lighting in Unity can be considered as either ‘realtime’ or ‘precomputed’ in some way and bot
AssetBundle 类,继承自Object.AssetBundles让你通过WWW类流式加载额外的资源并在运行时实例化它们.AssetBundles通过BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle创建. 参见:WWW.assetBundle ,Loading Resources at Runtime ,BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer function Start () { var www = new WWW ("http://myserver/myBund