需要记录日志的地方包括:进入方法的时候,传参的时候,统计执行时间,方法返回参数的时候,退出语句块的时候,出现异常的时候,等等.先来体验不使用Micirosoft Unity进行日志记录. class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Add(1, 2); Console.ReadKey(); } private static int Add(int a, int b) { int result = 0; string temp = strin
// 服务器 # pragma once using namespace std; # include <iostream> # include <string> # include <stdio.h> # include <winsock2.h> # pragma comment(lib,”ws2_32.lib”) # include “Tool.h” void main() { WSAData wsadata; SOCKET ListeningSocke
2G环境下资源下载有一定概率失败,客户端日志显示收到403错误 问题现象: 测试同学在使用联通号码在移动网络环境下,访问连接得到的response_code出现是403,导致资源读取失败表情显示异常. 问题重现步骤: 资源都存放在res.domain.com域名下.如:http://res.domain.com/test_path_to_res/1001.json 当在该移动网络环境下 a. 在使用域名的url访问时,连接正常,读取正常,表情显示正常. b. 当后台push下来相应的ip代替re
zabbix客户端日志报错: 45647:20160808:220507.717 no active checks on server []: host [] not found 45647:20160808:220707.816 no active checks on server []: host [] not found 45647:20160808:22090
转自:http://www.programering.com/a/MTNxYDMwATQ.html A few days ago a friend asked me about Unity3D inside Protobuf, was something to write this off until now, feel shy. In this paper, the test environment: System: WINDOWS 7 (third, 6), OS (fourth) X 10
既然已经写完了相关的服务器处理类,那么我们就来搭建客户端测试一下. 打开我们的unity3d,然后新建一个c#脚本,取名为MainClient. public class MainClient : MonoBehaviour{ private const string HOST = ""; private const int PORT = 8080; public static MainClient instance; public static TcpClient
场景:因为使用了netstat -p参数. 权限问题,zabbix_agentd是zabbix用户启动的,默认不能执行netstat -p等命令,导致从服务器取到的自动发现脚本为空 (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)解决方法 :chmod +s /bin/netstat 原文地址 已验证