I have this issue thats been serious doing my head in. When I install the latest unity web player, I always get the following e
AnimationState.speed Description The playback speed of the animation. 1 is normal playback speed. A negative playback speed will play the animation backwards.
update t1 set TermBeginQty =isnull((select top 1 JiaoPlusQty from WMS_RptMaterialPutDaily r where t1.MO=r.MO and (t1.MouldNO = r.MouldNO or r.MouldNO is null) and t1.MachineNO = r.MachineNO and r.BCBeginTime<@BeginDate order by r.BCBeginTime desc),0)
IF UPDATE(Number)在触发器(TRIGGER)中用处很大 CREATE TRIGGER TrgTest ON [TableName] FOR UPDATE IF UPDATE(ColumnName) BEGIN --处理逻辑 END IF UPDATE是用来判断update要更新的是不是某个字段,如果是某个字段,则执行if后边的语句块.因为update操作是针对某个或某些字段的,所以可以用if update()来分别判断.