Emissive Materials 自发光材质 Whilst Area Lights are not supported by Precomputed Realtime GI, similar soft lighting effects are still possible using ‘Emissive Materials.’ Like Area Lights, emissive materials emit light across their surface area. They c
NO Batch ? 游戏场景中存在大量例子的时候,DrallCall的压力很大,但是遍历一遍之后发现,为啥一样的粒子特效竟然没有合并,why?经过很多测试后发现,如果把透明材质的修改为非半透明的,就可以合并,这就让我很奇怪了?Unity提供了材质动态合并的功能,虽然限制很多,但是对于透明材质的合并,Unity似乎给了一个很玄乎的答案: Semitransparent shaders most often require objects to be rendered in back-to-fr
灯光探测器的目的,抄手册上的话就是: Although lightmapping adds greatly to the realism of a scene, it has the disadvantage that non-static objects in the scene are less realistically rendered and can look disconnected as a result. It isn't possible to calculate lightm