表结构 功能 用表B的数据(mc列)更新表A的mc列 SQL Server update A SET A.mc = b.mc FROM A ,B WHERE A.bmbh = B.bmbh and A.xmbh = B.xmbh; Access update A, B set A.mc = B.mc where A.bmbh = B.bmbh and A.xmbh = B.xmbh; 或 update A INNER JOIN B ON A.bmbh = B.bmbh AND A.xmbh =
mysql把一个表的字段update成另一个表的字段根据id 1.填充activity表里面的creator字段,用org的founderid,其中activity的orgid要和org的id对应,具体sql语句如下:update activity a inner join (select id,founderid from org o) c on a.orgid =c.id set a.creator = c.founderid;
update cas set cas.DocumentHeaderIdOfTransferredForForm = apply.Id from dbo.CaseTransfer cas join dbo.DocumentHeader noti on noti.Id = cas.DocumentHeaderId JOIN dbo.DocumentHeader apply ON noti.CheckMissionId=apply.CheckMissionId
表新添加了一个字段,毫无疑问是空值.所以想将另一个表的某个字段的值写入到修改的表中. sql语句不复杂,但还是记录一下,因为也查了一会,以后说不定还会用到. mysql> update center_actionlog0033 A,center_traceflownode0033 B set A.business_type=B.business_type where A.tfn_id=B.uuid;
1. SQL将一个表中的某一列值全部插入到另一个表中 插入的话: insert into a(col) select col from b; 更新的话: update a set col=select col from b where a.id=b.id; 判断表是否存在数据库中,存在就删除 if exists (select * from Sysobjects where name='temp') begin drop table temp end insert into a(columen
update s set s.classbid = lc.itemidfrom dbo.Lv_servers as s INNER JOIN dbo.Lv_LineChannel as lc ON s.Classsid = lc.ClassId where s.classbid >0 SQL用另外一个表的数据更新本表数据,两个表的关系要写在from的后面表的别名也要写在这里,写在update后面是不行的,update后面跟着要更新的表,至于同时更新两表的数据暂时没有用过就 不知道了. 更新
update批量更新某一列成其它列对应的值 postgresql 标准sql语句 update AA set name = BB.name , AA.sex = BB.sex from BB where AA.id = BB.id ; 注意不要写成 from AA,BB ,即不要把自身的表写在from后,不然会报异常 :table name specified more than once update AA set name = BB.name from AA,BB where AA.id =
sql语法:从一个表update到另外一个表 一. update a set a.name=b.name1 from a,b where a.id=b.id 二. update table1 set a.status = b.status from table1 a inner join table2 b on a.idl = b.idl
DELETE删除多表数据,怎样才能同时删除多个关联表的数据呢?这里做了深入的解释: 1. delete from t1 where 条件 2.delete t1 from t1 where 条件 3. delete t1 from t1,t2 where 条件 4.delete t1,t2 from t1,t2 where 条件 前 3者是可行的,第4者不可行. 也就是简单用delete语句无法进行多表删除数据操作,不过可以建立级联删除,在两个表之间建立级联删除关系,则可以实现删除一个表的数据时