电脑不识别USB blaster,如下图: 解决办法:手动更新 http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=snVT__AsbtmQ4U5EBVN05Yrgv1TPv7AdVYekY7LZkGa0lZX3qIljJyAeu3xiEtVMQkSg4BGaIX9zHvJVtpknna Quartus II 安装完成后自带有USB-Blaster的驱动程序,因此不用再到网上去特意下载USB-Blaster的驱动程序,只需在Quartus II 安装目录下找到USB-Blaster
给NIOS II CPU增加看门狗定时器并使用 配置看门狗定时器: 设置计时溢出时间为1秒 计数器位宽为32位 勾选No Start/Stop control bits 勾选Fixed period 不勾选Readable snapshot 勾选System reset on timeout.(Watchdog) 不勾选Timeout Pulse (1 clock wide) 这部分配置可以参见"Embedded Peripheral IP User Guide.pdf"中Inte
Open JTAG Project is an open source hardware and software for a high speed USB JTAG tool. In this site, you can find and download all necesary files to make your JTAG device. The electric schematics, the PCB design including Gerber files, the VHDL pr
OpenOCD 0.9.0 release May 18th, 2015 I’m happy to announce the release of OpenOCD version 0.9.0, finally! It tooks us a bit more than a year but the list of changes isn’t a small one either. With 439 commits from 94 contributors, it’s an impressive e