NI开发有时需要Java从C/C++获取List对象,此篇主要讲解Java从C/C++获取List<Student>返回值; 1. 定义com.niubashaoye.simple.jni.StuInfo类 public class StuInfo { private int stuId; private String stuName; private int stuAge; private String className; public StuInfo(int stuId, String
Qt 在槽函数中获取信号发送对象 Qt中提供了一个函数 qobject_cast(QObject *object),可以通过这个函数判断信号发出对象 Qt 帮助文档的解释: Returns the given object cast to type T if the object is of type T (or of a subclass); otherwise returns nullptr. If object is nullptr then it will also return nul