VC++2010下编译STLport,Boost 最近在想向Boost转移,努力掌握Boost代码的过程中, STLport版本:5.2.1 Boost版本: (也OK) 编译器Visual Studio 2010 STLPort的编译,选择Microsoft Visual Studio 20010下面的Visual Studio Tools下面的命令行环境编译工具,Visual Studio Command Prompt(2010). 进入STLport目录,运行
用C++写程序,肯定要用预编译头文件,就是那个stdafx.h.不过我一直以为只要在.cpp文件中包含stdafx.h 就使用了预编译头文件,其实不对.在VC++中,预编译头文件是指放到stdafx.h中的头文件才会有效果.如下: file: stdafx.h // stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used freque
Building a simple "hello world" Ogre application can take several seconds on a modern machine. Even when you haven't added your own code yet. This waste of time breaks your workflow makes experimentation difficult is unnecessary The solution: us