le final.snp.list | perl -lane '{$a+=1;print "$a\t$F[0]\t$F[1]\t$F[1]"}' | less >snp_site le final.indel.vcf |grep -v '^#' | less -S|perl -lane '{$a+=1;$b=$F[1]+length($F[3]);print "$a\t$F[0]\t$F[1]\t$b"}' | less -S >indel_site
The C++ executable module examples This page provides usage examples for the executable module. Extended documentation for all of the options can be found on the manual page. Running the program Getting basic file statistics Applying a filter Writing
实验材料 构建的群体,或自然群体,如各地方品种. RAD文库构建 提取DNA后,构建文库,简要步骤如下: ① 限制性内切酶TaqI酶切: ② 连接P1接头: ③ DNA随机打断片断化: ④ 目的片段回收与末端修复: ⑤ 连接P2接头: ⑥ RAD片段富集: ⑦ 上机测序. 参考:Rapid and cost-effective polymorphism identification and genotyping using restriction site associated DNA (RAD
下载安装bcftools 见如下命令: bcftools filter 1000Genomes.vcf.gz --regions 9:4700000-4800000 > 4700000-4800000.vcf 注意:输入的vcf以gz格式存在,不然会报错:Failed to open 1000Genomes.vcf: not compressed with bgzip 如何将vcf生成gz格式,见这篇文章bcftools将vcf生成bgzip和index格式 如果只想提取指定位置(specifi
代码如下: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; die "perl $0 <vcf> <genome>" if(@ARGV == 0); #Author:yueyao@genomics.cn my $vcf=shift; my $genome=shift; my%hash; my $id; open GENOME,$genome or die $!; while(<GENOME>){ chomp; if(/^>/)