Jerboas are small desert-living animals, which resemble mice with a long tufted tail and very long hind legs. Jerboas shelter in well-hidden burrows. They create two types of burrow: temporary and permanent. The temporary burrows are plain tubes whil
The Embarrassed Cryptographer DescriptionThe young and very promising cryptographer Odd Even has implemented the security module of a large system with thousands of users, which is now in use in his company. The cryptographic keys are created from th
对于数论的学习比较的碎片化,所以开了一篇随笔来记录一下学习中遇到的一些坑,主要通过题目来讲解 本题围绕:积与余数 HDU1395 2^x mod n = 1 题目描述 输入一个数n,如果存在2的x次方mod输出的n余数为1,则输出2^x mod n = 1,否则输出2^? mod n = 1,其中n替换为每次输出的n的具体数值 输入 正整数n,读取到文件尾 输出 2^x mod n = 1或者2^? mod n = 1 样例输入 25 样例输出 2^? mod 2 = 1 2^4 mod 5 =