1 Explicit event The value changes on nets and variable can be used as events to trigger the execution of a statement. The event can also be based on the direction of the change that is, towards the value 1 ( posedge) or towards the value 0 (negedge)
1. Testbech总是用reg去驱动DUT的input端口,因为需要在仿真期间设置和保持输入端的值(例如在initial中设置初值,在always中设置激励值): 2. 避免对局部reg在定义时赋值,尽管这在计算机语言中很常见.例如: always @(...) begin : XXX ; c = ...; end 上面的代码中,定义时赋值会使得c仅在初次进入always时被赋值为0,其后的值因reg特性而得以保留,从而综合工具(至少quartus)会综合出组合环路.改成如下形式即可: re
Verilog Interiew Quetions Collection : What is the difference between $display and $monitor and $write and $strobe? What is the difference between code-compiled simulator and normal simulator? What is the difference between wire and reg? What is the
While simulating System Verilog design and its test-bench including assertions, events has to be dynamically scheduled, executed, and removed as the simulator advances time. To have this feature, simulator has to maintain a data structure and usually