ViewPager2 使用说明书 零.Demo 项目源码 演示 apk 如果对你有用,希望能给个 star,谢谢. 一.功能 官方关于使用 ViewPager2 创建滑动视图的说明: Swipe views allow you to navigate between sibling screens, such as tabs, with a horizontal finger gesture, or swipe. This navigation pattern is also referred
一.mysql中的优化 where语句的优化 1.尽量避免在 where 子句中对字段进行表达式操作select id from uinfo_jifen where jifen/60 > 10000;优化后:Select id from uinfo_jifen where jifen>600000; 2.应尽量避免在where子句中对字段进行函数操作,这将导致mysql放弃使用索引 select uid from imid where datediff(create_time,'2011-11