[转自网络]https://my.oschina.net/cers/blog/292191 PK Belongs to primary key 作为主键 NN Not Null 非空 UQ Unique index 不能重复 BIN Is binary column 存放二进制数据的列 UN Unsigned data type 无符号数据类型(需要整数形数据) ZF Fill up values for that column with 0's if it is numeric 填充0位(例如
原文链接:https://swlaschin.gitbooks.io/fsharpforfunandprofit/content/posts/fvsc-sum-of-squares.html Comparing F# with C#: A simple sumF# PK C#:简单的求和 To see what some real F# code looks like, let's start with a simple problem: "sum the squares from 1 to N