来源:http://superuser.com/questions/300500/ubuntu-unable-to-edit-bashrc-file-because-of-readonly This is a vim issue, not a file permission issue. If you did not have read permission on the file, you'd see a "Permission denied" error. Do you invok
当在终端执行sudo命令时,系统提示“hadoop is not in the sudoers file”: 其实就是没有权限进行sudo,解决方法如下(这里假设用户名是cuser): 1.切换到超级用户:$ su 2.打开/etc/sudoers文件:$vim /etc/sudoers 3.修改文件内容: 找到“root ALL=(ALL) ALL”一行,在下面插入新的一行,内容是“hadoop ALL=(ALL) ALL”,然后在vim键入命令“:wq!”保
问题描述:E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override) 问题分析:该错误为当前用户没有权限对文件作修改 问题解决: 输入 :w !sudo tee % :w – write !sudo – call shell sudo command tee – the output of write (:w) command is redirected using tee % – current file name
1209 - The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement 一般这个错误有两种原因: 1.连到从库了.从库一般设置为只读. 2.主库的read_only参数被修改为1 解决办法:set global read_only=0; https://blog.csdn.net/lwei_998/article/details/50445830 https:
用 vim 打开没有写权限的文件而忘记用 sudo 时,文件变成 read-only这时候用 :w!, SHIFT+ZZ,或者 qw! 都无法保存 :w !sudo tee % :w : Write a file.可以将文件写入,文件仍然是只读模式,通过 :q! 退出 !sudo : Call shell sudo command. tee : The output of the vi/vim write command is redirected using tee. % : Triggers