BOOST Voronoi Visualizer Abstract. The Voronoi extension of the Boost.Polygon library provides functionality to construct a Voronoi diagram of a set of points and linear segments in 2D space with some limitations. The paper mainly descr
Visulalize Boost Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph Abstract. One of the important features of the boost polygon library is the implementation of the generic sweepline algorithm to construct Voronoi diagrams of points and linear segments in 2D(d
Visulalization Voronoi in OpenSceneGraph Abstract. In mathematics a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into a number of regions. A set of points, called seeds, sites, or generators is specified beforehand and for each seed there
1 数字图像 数字图像可看作一个数值矩阵, 其中的每个元素代表一个像素点,如下图所示: 2 存储 M行N列图像的存储位数: b = M * N * k ( L=2k, l ∈ [0, L-1], l 为灰度值 ) 2.1 灰度图 OpenCV 中,灰度图的存储形式如下: 2.2 RGB图像 OpenCV中,RGB图像是以 BGR 的顺序存储的,如下: 2.3 Mat 类 Mat class = matrix header + pointer to the matrix contai