VPN is a great thing when you are forced to be stuck somewhere. on ubuntu, you need to check out whether your system supports TUN/ 我从这里等得到一些灵感http://www.hostloc.com/thread-33260-1-1.html 还有 http://www.jb51.net/os/Ubuntu/34821.html 但是这些都不适合我的系统.基本上都是c
先说我搭建过程中出现的问题吧: 按照 教程搭建好之后出现了619错误,查看日志:/var/log/messages: Nov 20 09:46:20 localhost pptpd[7498]: GRE: read(fd=6,buffer=8059680,len=8196) from PTY failed: status = -1 error = Input/output error, usually caused by unexpected termination of pppd, check
This is a guide on setting up a IPSEC/L2TP vpn on CentOS 6 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or Scientific Linux 6 using Openswan as the IPsec server, xl2tpd as the l2tp provider and ppp for authentication. We choose the IPSEC/L2TP protocol stack because
原文地址:https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/IPSEC_L2TP_vpn_with_Ubuntu_14.04.html 只要保证ipsec verify没错,基本都可以成功.再也不相信一键安装,之前遇到DDos,也怀疑是不是脚本的后门. Install ppp openswan and xl2tpd First we will install the required packages: 第一步,安装下面的几个,配置全部默认就好. apt-get install op