Introduction In DirectX 8, support for rendering to multiple windows is provided through the creation of additional swap chains. However, there are currently no examples of this in the SDK, and the documentation is a bit vague. This article is provid
上两张Demo的图,方便朋友们选择是否继续看文章. 在子窗口的白色区域按下鼠标左键不放并移动鼠标可以拖拽子窗口跟随鼠标移动. 选择继续看下去的朋友不要担心,接下来就是正文了. PART 1:Demo功能 呵呵呵,就是纯win32 API方式创建窗口和关联的子窗口,为计划中的小工具做准备吧,计划中要有一个稍复杂的配置界面,采用子窗口的显示和隐藏来切换配置窗口. PART 2:技术难题 这部分不存在吧,都是win32的基础知识,创建主窗口和子窗口基本相同,都是定义窗口对象的属性和关联方法,属性即WN