官方: Applies To: Windows 8, Windows 8.1 For a Windows Server® 2012 core installation that is not connected to the Internet, you can use Windows PowerShell to add .NET Framework 3.5 and provide access to the \sources\sxs folder on the installation medi
參考:1529864.1 ************************************************** RAM Swap Space Between 1 GB and 2 GB 1.5 times the size of RAM Between 2 GB and 16 GB Equal to the size of RAM More than 16 GB
Doc ID 2082662.1 1.錯誤碼 Installation Of Oracle Client (32-bit) Fails With An Error Message "[INS-20802] Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed 2.問題描述 在window 7安裝Oracle Client12C的時候遇到INS-20802 Oracle Net Configuration Assistant失敗的問題,百度了很多
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安裝 Rails 開發環境 Give someone a program, you frustrate them for a day; teach them how to program, you frustrate them for a lifetime. - David Leinweber https://ihower.tw/rails4/installation.html 在這一章中,我們將介紹如何安裝Ruby on Rails的開發環境.開發Rails的環境需要: Ruby 1.9.3以