不说废话,贴代码: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_time(sec IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS /*把秒转成时分秒格式 auth lzpong 201/09/16 */ BEGIN ))), ,); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN '0:00:00'; END to_time; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnumeric(str IN VARCHAR2) RETURN
// 时间转为毫秒 timeToSec(time) { var hour = time.split('[0] var min = time.split('[1] var sec = time.split('[2] var s = Number(hour * 3600) + Number(min * 60) + Number(sec) return s * 1000 } // 将秒转化成时分秒 secTotime(s) { var t if(s > -1){ var hour = Math.flo
秒转为时分秒格式 function formatSeconds(value) { if(value == undefined) { value = 0; } var second = parseInt(value);// 秒 var min = 0;// 分 var hour = 0;// 小时 if(second > 60) { min = parseInt(second/60); second = parseInt(second%60); if(min > 60) { hour = par
[Vue warn]: You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template compiler is not available. Either pre-compile the templates into render functions, or use the compiler-included build. found in ---> <Affix> <Goodsinfo> at src\compo
package com.util; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class Test { public void getTimeByDate(){ Date date = new Date(); DateFormat df1 = DateFormat.getDateInstance();//日期格式,精确到日 System.out.println(df1