关于readdir返回值中struct dirent.d_type的取值问题 原网页链接 http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Directory-Entries.html 原文及翻译 混在一起写了 unsigned char d_type This is the type of the file, possibly unknown. The following constants are defined for its val
Jmeter_Beanshell 返回值中提取参数值[准备环境]: ①Jmeter版本:5.1,JDK:1.8 ②前置条件:将json.jar包置于..\apache-jmeter-5.1\lib\下,并将该jar包添加到测试计划的Library中:否则会报:Typed variable declaration : Class: JSONObject not found in namespace的错误: ③处理器:Beanshell处理器,import org.json.*;(一般习
function printObject(obj) { //obj = {"cid":"C0","ctext":"区县"}; var temp = ""; for (var i in obj) { //用javascript的for/in循环遍历对象的属性 temp += i + ":" + obj[i] + "\n";