Testing your sites on mobile devices is a critical part of the development process. Webpack dev server enables you to visit the server from any device using the host option. This lesson walks you through accessing webpack dev server using an iPhon Ch
参考:https://webpack.js.org/guides/development/ Adjusting Your Text Editor Some text editors have a "safe write" feature and enable this by default. As a result, saving a file will not always result in a recompile. Each editor has a different way
前言:vue-cli(版本更新),由原来的2.8.1升级为2.9.1.主要改变是原来在build文件夹下的dev-server.js删掉了,增加了webpack.dev.conf.js. 所以这次讲的都是基于2.9.1 在webpack.dev.conf.js 添加.对于这些服务器配置,如果设置后,一定要重启然后cnpm/npm run dev. 1.本地dev server,在webpack.dev.conf.js最后添加如下代码,本地的db.json,是一些json数据. var port