xingkaistart weblogic10之Failed to initialize the application 'wss-1-1' due to error weblogic. WeblogicJDBC 错误信息:('wss-1-1' 是配置的jndi) <Jan 14, 2011 3:42:09 PM CST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149205> <Failed to initialize the applica
WebLogic Server StuckThreadMaxTime value is exceeded during configuration If you are configuring WebLogic Server 9.2 MP2 or 10 using the Configurator and you take longer than 600 seconds to finish the configuration, the following error is returned to After installing SOA 11g, but the soa-infra component fails to start. The following error message shows up in the soa diagnostic
How to find Oracle EBS Weblogic Server Admin Port and URL Weblogic admin portMethod 1 Open the Application tier context filevi $CONTEXTFILE Check the value of 'WLS Admin Server Port' from "s_wls_adminport" parameter Method 2 Open the EBS domai