web socket是一种网络通信协议,很多网页应用中都会使用到它,比如聊天室,选票等等. 一.为什么需要WebSocket? HTTP是无连接(无连接的含义是限制每次连接只处理一个请求.服务器处理完客户的请求,并收到客户的应答后,即断开连接.采用这种方式可以节省传输时间) HTTP是无状态(HTTP协议是无状态协议.无状态是指协议对于事务处理没有记忆能力.缺少状态意味着如果后续处理需要前面的信息,则它必须重传,这样可能导致每次连接传送的数据量增大.另一方面,在服务器不需要先前信息时它的应答就较
1. WebSockets -- full-duplex communication The main HTML5 pillars include Markup, CSS3, and JavaScript APIs For whole set of HTML5, visit html5rocks.com (google product) The URL The following image shows the WebSocket URL example in tokens: schema
前几天稍微看了一下Ratchet,并且实践了一下它官方例子.所以现在就将实践的过程记录下来. 在具体实践之前先将Ratchet是什么东东,要先说明一下.以下的英文是从官方copy过来的 Ratchet is a loosely coupled PHP library providing developers with tools to create real time, bi-directional applications between clients and servers over We
Why SignalR does not use WebSockets? As you probably know SignalR supports multiple transports. The favor one and most powerful one is of course WEBSOCKET transport. Unfortunately this transport cannot be always used in any infrastructure. When you
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: io.undertow.websockets.jsr.ServerWebSocketContainer cannot be cast to org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsServerContainer at org.springframework.web.socket.server.standard.TomcatRequestUpgradeStrategy.getCont
https://github.com/TooTallNate/Java-WebSocket Java WebSockets This repository contains a barebones WebSocket server and client implementation written in 100% Java. The underlying classes are implemented java.nio, which allows for a non-blocking event