while循环: while 无限循环 count = 1 sum = 0 while True: sum = sum + count count = count + 1 if count == 101: break print(sum) sum = 0 count = 1 while True: if count <101: sum = sum + count print(sum) count = count + 1 else: break 如何终止循环: 1,改变条件 2,break终止循环
public class leve { private int leveNo; private int strLength; private int strTimes; private int timeLimit; private int perScore; public leve(int leveNo, int strLength, int strTimes, int timeLimit, int perScore) { super(); this.leveNo = leveNo; this.
python出输出字符串方式: >>> who='knights' >>> what='NI' >>> print ('we are the',who,'wha say',what,what,what,what) we are the knights wha say NI NI NI NI >>> print ('we are the %s who say %s'% (who,(what+' ')*4)) we are the kni
1.判断下列逻辑语句的结果,一定要自己先分析 1)1 > 1 or 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 > 1 and 9 > 8 or 7 < 6 Ture print(1 > 1 or 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 > 1 and 9 > 8 or 7 < 6) 2)not 2 > 1 and 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 > 1 and 9 > 8 or 7 <
C 货币 2.5.ToString("C") ¥2.50 D 十进制数 .ToString("D5") E 科学型 .ToString("E") 2.500000E+005 F 固定点 .ToString("F2") 25.00 G 常规 2.5.ToString("G") 2.5 N 数字 .ToString("N") ,,000.00 X 十六进制 .ToString("X
var Cen = 6;//定义菱形中部为第几行(起始值为0) //for循环输出菱形 document.write("<button onclick='xh()'>点我for循环</button>");//在HTML里输出一个按钮,点击后执行输出菱形的操作 document.write("<p id='xunhuan'></p>");//在HTML里输出一个段落p来容纳菱形 function xh() { var k
/** * 使用循环输出杨辉三角 * * */ public class Test6 { public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建二维数组 int triangle[][] = new int[8][]; // 遍历二维数组的第一层 for (int i = 0; i < triangle.length; i++) { // 初始化第二层数组的大小 triangle[i] = new int[i + 1]; // 遍历第二层数组 for (in
/** * 使用for循环输出空心菱形 * */ public class Test7 { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < 11 - 2 * i; j++) { System.out.print(" "); } for (int k = 1; k <= 2 * i - 1; k++) { if (k == 1 || k