================START============================== 来了一个mail说是job跑得很慢,调查下原因 先来看下sql: SELECT h.order_no AS SO_no, h.order_type, h1.order_no AS po_no, l1.order_line_key AS PO_LKEY, l1.shipn
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Lesson 9 A cold welcome 冷遇 What does 'a cold welcome' refer to?On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minute
导读 大家都知道windows系统有一个磁盘快照的功能,在windows2003中系统恢复开始依赖于一个叫做硬盘快照服务(Volume Snapshot Service)的服务,他能够自动创建系统快照--包括正在使用的文件--然后将这些文件转换为可恢复的节点文件,在之后的文件系统NTFS这个格式的分区具有系统恢复快照功能快照可以保存,这样在磁盘误操作后就可以完成恢复系统了.linux有没有磁盘快照呢?他的系统误操作怎么进行恢复呢?今天小编带您用10种方式玩转linux磁盘快照的恢复. Linux
The job configuration is handled in a Registry class. A job is either an Action or a class that inherits IJob: using FluentScheduler; public class MyRegistry : Registry { public MyRegistry() { // Schedule an IJob to run at an interval Schedule<MyJob>