OpenGL环境搭建步骤: Downloading OpenGL 根据官网的说法: In all three major desktop platforms (Linux, macOS, and Windows), OpenGL more or less comes with the system. However, you will need to ensure that you have downloaded and installed a recent driver for your gr
本文主要是讲解Spark在Windows环境是如何搭建的 一.JDK的安装 1.1 下载JDK 首先需要安装JDK,并且将环境变量配置好,如果已经安装了的老司机可以忽略.JDK(全称是JavaTM Platform Standard Edition Development Kit)的安装,去Oracle官网下载,下载地址是Java SE Downloads . 上图中两个用红色标记的地方都是可以点击的,点击进去之后可以看到这个最新版本的一些更为详细的信息,如下图所示: 下载完之后,我们安装就可以