Speeding up Homestead on Windows Using NFS Sep 07 2015 Homestead Laravel EDIT: I have another article on using Homestead with sFTP and Sublime which may be a better option for some. I recently took the plunge into getting a Homestead vagrant box setu
Note: Not Stable, so steps below are for reference only ************ Linux Configuration NFS Share 1. Configure share on Linux as below bash-3.2$ more /etc/exports /ptc * (sync,ro) sudo service nfs start/stop sudo service portmap start/stop 2. Insta
dokan是用户态的文件系统驱动,可以称之为fuse for windows.可以用来开发虚拟磁盘,即在“我的电脑”中虚拟出一个硬盘来,可以是硬盘,也可以是可移动磁盘或者网络硬盘. CreateFile.FindFiles.GetFileInformation需要最优先实现,有了这两个接口,就可以浏览目录了. 进入CreateFile,需要判断请求的虚拟文件是目录还是文件,如果是目录,则需要设置DokanFileInfo->IsDirectory为True,并直接返回成功.虚拟文件的打开可以根据