1.单元格所在行和列高亮 第一种方式 Private Sub worksheet_selectionchange(ByVal target As Range) Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone target.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 target.EntireColumn.Interior.ColorIndex = 50 End Sub 第二种方式 Private Sub worksheet_sel
Introduction There are a lot of methods in the Internet solving the problem of how to merge GridView rows if neighboring cells show equal values. My approach is not the first; however, I think, it is rather universal and very short - less than 20 lin
REPORT ydemo_rick_a . TYPE-POOLS: slis. , carrid LIKE sflight-carrid, connid LIKE sflight-connid, fldate LIKE sflight-fldate, seatsmax LIKE sflight-seatsmax, seatsocc LIKE sflight-seatsocc, color TYPE lvc_t_scol, END OF it_flight. DATA: it_fieldcat T