有时候你是不是也会遇到要在wpf后台给某个控件设置背景色或者给文字设置前景色的情况? 本人最近看到一个从自定义的combobox读取系统字体和颜色的实例,该实例实现了随字体combobox选项改变而改变字体的设置,而颜色combobox却没有实现,于是自己也想设置一下.结果发现颜色从前台好像不好设置成动态的,于是尝试从后台combobox_SelectionChanged事件设置. 要设置颜色,首先要获取颜色.获取颜色的方式我总结了五种: 1. Color color = Color.FromA
原文 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28240528/how-do-i-duplicate-a-resource-reference-in-code-behind-in-wpf 如何在WPF后台代码中中复制引用的资源? In my application, I have a color resources. I have one element that uses that color as a dynamic resource in xaml. <Wi
"Consistency in a user interface is an important trait; there are many facets of consistency, one of which is the consistent look and feel of controls. For example, all buttons should look roughly the same – similar colors, the same margins, and