一.为什么要废弃Access? 1.客户的机子上需要安装access的驱动 ps:这个比较烦人,大家都知道部署越简单越好,安装这个对用户来说太繁琐了. 2.操作时性能不佳 using System; using Moon_Sqlite; using Moon.Orm; using Moon.Orm.Util; namespace testsome { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { //添加数据 using (va
One of my friend came to me with an Android phone. She saild somehting wrong with the hardware of her friend's phone, and her friend are eager to backup his data,especially WeChat chat messages..unfortunatelly her friend forgot the accoutn/password
As we know that WeChat will wipe deleted chat messages. That's why forensic guys could not dig out any deleted chat messages in EnMicroMsg.db. Is it possible to let those deleted chat messages show up again? For performance's sake, WeChat will creat