原文地址:http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/851fbc3707096e3e1f15ab33.html 装了windows server 2008之后才发现,它与windows server 2008 R2有很大的差别,总之R2是更新的版本,还是建议直接装R2(注意R2和sp2是完全两码事). KMS激活指南 本服务器根据俄罗斯KMS服务器VMWARE架设,不受时间限制 KMS激活支持的Windows版本:Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2
本文转载自:https://www.codeproject.com/articles/11132/walking-the-callstack Download demo project with source - 64.2 Kb Introduction In some cases you need to display the callstack of the current thread or your are just interested in the callstack of othe
下图展示了编译源代码文件的过程.如图所示,可用支持 CLR 的任何一种语言创建源代码文件.然后,用一个对应的编译器检查语法和分析源代码.无论选用哪一个编译器,结果都是一个托管模块(managedmodule).托管模块是一个标准的 32 位 Microsoft Windows 可移植执行体(PE32)文件 6 ,或者是一个标准的 64 位Windows 可移植执行体(PE32+)文件,它们都需要 CLR 才能执行.顺便说一句,托管的程序集总是利用了 Windows 的数据执行保护(Data Ex
1. Assemly A managed module is a standard 32-bit Microsoft Windoes portable executable (PE32) file or a standard 64-bit Windows portable executable (PE32+) file that requires the CLR to execute. Managed Module = IL + metadata. Ass
转自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5d93d7aa010151lp.html 要开发SharePoint 2010应用程序,开发人员必须构建一个SharePoint 2010开发环境.开发SharePoint 2010应用程序有一个基本的需求,就是所有的开发工作几乎都需要依赖于SharePoint 2010系统,换句话说,开发环境中除了Visual Studio 2010之外,还必须直接安装有SharePoint 2010.在本地安装一个Visual Studi
There are several reasons for xcopy deployment of an application (also known as application local). One main reason is that you are independent of what the target computer has installed.Also your application always uses the “correct” (or better: test