通过插入数据库的方式批量生成 zabbix 聚合图形 原型图形 聚合的 sql 批量操作 .在聚合图形创建好一个聚合图形A.找出图形A的ID (创建图形的时候记得填写好行数和列数) select screenid from screens WHERE name='A'; .生成insert语句. ;select max(screenitemid) into @mycnt2 from screens_items; SELECT concat(,,");") from graphs g w
Sub 自动调整所有表格() ' ' 自动调整所有表格 宏 ' 'Application.Browser.Target = wdBrowseTable For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Tables.Count With ActiveDocument.Tables(i) .AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitWindow) '根据窗口调整内容 .Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
1.Alt+F8调出vb宏 创建一个宏名字,setsize 粘贴代码后保存关闭. Sub setsize() ' ' setsize 宏 ' ' Dim iSha As InlineShape For Each iSha In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes If iSha.Type = wdInlineShapePicture Then iSha.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse '不锁定纵横比 iSha.Width = CentimetersTo
打开文档后,按Alt+F11,在左边Porject下找到ThisDocument,右键插入模块,贴上下面的 Sub Macro()For Each iShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapesiShape.Height = iShape.Height * 0.25iShape.Width = iShape.Width * 0.25Next iShapeEnd Sub 按F5运行一次就可以了.